The Blockbuster Baddiel 3 Book Collection By David Baddiel - Age 9-14 - Paperback HarperCollins Publishers
Brand: HarperCollins Publishers
Titles in this Set: 1. The Parent Agency 2. The Person Controller 3. AniMalcolm Description: The Parent Agency Barry said, a third time, I wish I had better parents! And then suddenly the entire room started to shake. Barry Bennett hates being called Barry. In fact its number 2 on the list of things he blames his parents for, along with 1) being boring and 3) always being tired. But there is a world, not far from this one, where parents don't have children. That's far too random for something so big and important. In this world, children are allowed to choose their parents. For Barry Bennett, this world seems like a dream come true. Only things turn out to be not quite that simple The Person Controller Fred and Ellie are twins. But not identical (because that's impossible for a boy and a girl). They do like all the same things, though. Especially video games. Which they are very good at. They aren't that good, however, at much else like, for example, football, or dealing with the school bullies. Then, they meet the Mystery Man, who sends them a video game controller, which doesn't look like any other controller they've ever seen. And it doesn't control any of their usual games. When the twins find out what it does control, though, it seems like the answer to all their problems. And the key to all their wildest dreams. At least it seems like that AniMalcolm Malcolm doesn't like animals. Which is a problem because his family love them. Their house is full of pets. What the house is NOT full of is stuff Malcolm likes. Such as the laptop he wanted for his birthday. The only bright spot on the horizon is the Year 6 school trip, until Malcolm realizes its heading to the farm. Over the next days, Malcolm changes. He learns a lot about animals. More, in many ways, than he would like. He learns what its really like to be an animal. It does make him think differently. And speak differently. And eat differently. But will he end up the same as he was before? Because sometimes the hardest thing to become is yourself. Comedian David Baddiel's 3 blockbuster books are full of heart, humour and wishes gone wrong. These books are hilariously funny tales following 3 different stories. Barry, who wished he had better parents, Fred and Ellie, twins who find themselves a person controller and Malcolm, the boy who doesn't like animals. Children aged 9+ will love reading and laughing along with these wacky stories. If you are a fan of the David Walliams series then this set is perfect for you.
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