Plumbing Snake - 1100 W - 1486 rpm - Ø 50 - 200 mm MSW-DCM-04
Brand: MSW
To prevent accidents from occurring, clean pipes regularly and effectively remove contamination with the drain cleaning machine from MSW! Even for stubborn layers, the device offers optimal performance values with which you can quickly restore the flow of your pipes. Use the special drills for different blockages, which you can replace at the end of the spiral in a few easy steps. For a powerful clean in the dirty pipes, use the powerful 1100 W motor, which moves the spiral in the pipe at 1486 rpm. The spiral is set in motion and stopped again with the help of a 180° adjustable clutch. When engaged, the lever serves as a handle. This way you always keep control over the cleaning process. Assemble the pipe cleaning spiral from a total of 4 sections up to a length of 18.4 m. If necessary, use fewer spiral elements to react individually to the situation in the pipes with the pipe cleaning machine. Depending on the contamination, they choose from 5 drills that move optimally in the pipe. Die Spirale sowie die Bohrer haben einen Durchmesser von 30 mm. Use the cleaning tool to remove dirt from pipes with a diameter of 50 - 200 mm. The material of the spirals is optimally designed for working in wet environments. It is highly flexible and durable. For safe handling, use the protective hose and gloves. 5 drills are available for targeted cleaning. Use the straight drill to explore the pipe and discover blockages. For greases and liquid substances, the leaf drill is at your disposal. Use the saw-tooth cutting head to shred and remove roots or branches. If stubborn deposits need to be removed, then attach the fork cutting head to the end of the spiral. Use the retrieval drill to pull broken drills out of the pipe. Thanks to the case, the pipe cleaning machine can be transported effortlessly. In addition, you will find a space-saving holder for the spiral with a diameter of 50 cm. Use the lever as a handle and move the unit on the two wheels to where you need it!
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