Royal Catering Immersion Wort Chiller - Ø 26 cm - 10 coils - stainless steel RCBM-41NCS
Brand: Royal Catering
Do you go your own way and brew your own beer? With the immersion wort chiller RCBM-41NCS from Royal Catering's catering equipment selection you can take care of the necessary chilling of the mash during the brewing process to preserve the valuable aromas and flavours. No ambitious hobby brewer's inventory should be without the stainless steel wort cooler. The fresh, hot mash must be cooled as quickly as possible in order to brew a qualitatively good and drinkable beer. If the wort cooling process is skipped, microorganisms form and the beer will develop a bad taste; in the worst case the brew can even be spoiled by contamination. Thanks to the two included silicone hoses, you can connect the 10 cm brewing wort chiller with its 10 high-quality, resilient stainless steel coils to a water circulation system. Such a cooling cycle further accelerates the cooling effect. As soon as you pump cold water through the coils, which have an inner diameter of 7 mm, the immersion cooler removes the heat from the mash. You can chill 40 L of hot mash by 25 to 30 degrees in just 30 minutes with the effective wort cooler, depending on the room temperature. This wort chiller is perfect for use with the RCBM-40N and RCBM-42N mash tuns and the RCBM-44CF fermentation vessel from Royal Catering. In addition to its longevity, hygienic stainless steel is also food-safe and does not give off any taste to the mash. Both ends of the hollow stainless steel coil are bent into hooks and can be effortlessly and securely hung on the rim of the mash kettle.
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