Haute Florist Crimson Rose & Lily
Brand: Haute Florist
Created in collaboration with Monsoon. Crimson rose and lily bouquet represents romance and love. This bouquet is most popular for the more romantic occasions but these fresh cut flowers are nothing short of exquisite. Carefully and beautifully combined by our expert florists, the luxurious roses and subtle lilies come together to become real attention grabbers. If you’re looking to get your spouse or partner some flowers to really show them how much you love them then this is the perfect flower arrangement for you. This Bouquet Contains: 12 x Naomi Roses 3 x Double Rose-Lilly 5 x Red Hypericum 5 x Eucalyptus 6 x Birch Leaf 7 x Aspidistra This romantic bouquet is the ultimate declaration of your love. A popular bouquet for anniversaries and other romantic occasions as well as birthdays, these blooms are nothing short of spectacular. Beautifully and skilfully combined, the Roses and Lilies are amazing attention-grabbers. If you need to wow your spouse or partner you can be sure that this flower delivery will remind them that they really are your number one. We love nothing more than creating the finest and most beautiful flower arrangements. Before we send these flowers on their way, we always make sure that they are looking their absolute best. Flower Care This flower arrangement will look its best for 7 days. Once you receive your flower delivery, we want you to enjoy their beauty for as long as possible. Flowers prefer moderate conditions, fresh water and food. To get the most out of your bouquet, we recommend trimming the stems at an angle and adding the flower food included to some fresh vase water. Detailed care instructions are included with the flower delivery to help you keep this bouquet fresher for longer. Seasonal Availability We do our best to create every bouquet as per the description. If, on the rare occasion, a particular type of flower is not available, we will include a substitute that lives up to the standards of this bouquet. On extremely rare occasions a substitute may not be
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