Baker Ross Egyptian DIY Fridge Magnets - 10 Scratch Art Magnets. Craft Fridge Magnets. Ancient Egypt Crafts. Size 10-15cm.
Brand: Baker Ross
Capture the magic and wonder of the pyramids, with a rainbow twist! Kids with a keen interest in ancient Egypt will be inspired by these mesmerising magnets. Each blank is shaped like one of the many marvels, and they all carry a hidden surprise. Like many ancient artefacts, our designs carry a secret - have you got what it takes to find out what it is? Use the tool and scrape it across the surface and you’ll be full of awe - as you keep swirling and drawing and doodling, you’ll keep revealing more! A vibrant cascade of the brightest shades bursting forth from the tip of your wand, let your creativity flow as you embellish your makes, then add the magnet to the back and put them on display… Scratch, doodle, design and discover
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